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NRM Manifesto Implementation Below 40% In Three years

State Minister for Urban Development Obiga Kania in the company of the Director Presidential Projects and Industrial Hubs Raymond A Kamugisha filling and test riding on Motorised Tri-cycle made by Wielding and metal works fabrication graduate during the graduation for the second and third intake 2023 of the Madi Sub-region Presidential Industrial Hub Ateju Village, Zue sub- county in Zombo district on the 20th April 2024. Photo by PPU/Tony Rujuta.

By Agency

The NRM Manifesto implementation unit has indicated that the party has so far fulfilled 35 percent of its 2021-26 manifesto commitments to Ugandans.

The  Unit released its half-term internal performance review audit report for three financial years, 2021/22, 2022/23 and the running one 2023/24.

According to the report, the performance has been on a positive upward trajectory from 11% and 20% in the 2021/22, and 2022/23 financial years respectively.

The manifesto which is subdivided into five thematic areas, has up to 577 implementation interventions the party ought to implement, for it to deliver its promise to the Ugandans that gave it the five-year mandate.

The thematic area subdivisions include; creating jobs and wealth for all Ugandans, delivering education, health, and water. It also sought to ensure justice and equity, protection of life and property, and achieving economic and political integration.

The report points out that achieving economic and political integration, followed by ensuring justice and equity were the worst-performing areas with 20 and 22 percent respectively. On the other hand, protection of life and property was scored highly at 37 percent.

Kabuye Ky’ofatogabye, the state minister for Kampala and metropolitan affairs, said the performance should be taken positively by the party members because it’s just a mechanism that is realigning them back to their promise to Ugandans.

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