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Uganda Registers 17,000 HIV-Related Deaths in 2023

Angaya Health Center III

By Owich James

At least 17,000 individuals died from HIV and AIDS-related complications in Uganda in 2023, according to the latest figures provided by the Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC). That means on average, 46 people died from HIV- related complications each day in the country.

The deaths are being fueled by multi-drug resistance TB and lack of adherence to HIV treatment.

During the same period, 60,000 people tested positive for HIV. The most burdened by the disease are the sexually active adults (25 to 29 years).

The report further indicates that although HIV-related deaths remains high, there was a decline by 5 percent compared to the previous year.

In 2022, Uganda registered 18,000 HIV-related deaths.

Meanwhile, between 2010 and 2020, Uganda registered 110,000 HIV and AIDS-related deaths. More than half of the deaths were recorded in 2010, where 56,000 Ugandans died of HIV- related complications.

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