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UNEB Releases 2024 PLE Results

Minister for Education and Sports, Janet K. Museveni


The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) on Thursday released the 2024 Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) results, indicating better performances as compared to those in 2023.

The exercise was presided over by the Minister for Education and Sports, Janet K. Museveni at State House Nakasero, Kampala.

A total of 797,444 candidates from 14.883 centres (schools) registered for PLE in 2024 compared to 749,347 in 2023.

Of this number, 524,025 (65.7%) from 11,451 centres were Universal Primary Education (UPE) beneficiaries

Analysis by gender shows that 378,7o9 (47.5%) boys were registered compared to 418,750 (52.5%) girls, indicating that more girls than boys completed the Primary Education cycle. This has been the trend in recent years.

The Board also registered 71 candidates from Uganda Government Upper Prison, Luzira (70 males and 1 female), and 37 from Mbarara Main Prison (all males).

A higher proportion of the 2024 candidates passed in Division 2 and above level.

Overall, a higher proportion of the candidates passed (91.8%) compared to 2023 (88.0%).

At the Uganda Government Upper School, Luzira, 71 candidates were registered as compared to the 69 registered in 2023. Of the 71 candidates who registered, 59 candidates sat, 4 passed in Division 1, 36 obtained Division 2 and 13 obtained Division 3

However, UNEB Spokesperson Jennifer Kalule has directed all schools with outstanding invoices to clear their balances to access to the results.

According to Kalule, UNEB portal indicates many schools have outstanding balances, with some accumulating unpaid invoices dating as far back as 2017.

Kalule noted that the board has resolved to block schools with arrears from accessing the results portal.

The UNEB spokesperson also clarified that printed copies of the results will only be available to District, Municipal, and City Inspectors of Schools starting Monday, January 27, 2025.

For parents and learners, UNEB has provided a convenient Short Message Service (SMS) to access results.

However, results for learners registered in schools with uncleared invoices will not be accessible, even through the SMS option.

Additionally, parents are advised to verify the results uploaded on the school portal or printouts for potential errors. These may include discrepancies in candidates’ names (spelling or order), age, gender, or other details.

Kalule said that UNEB has given a four-week window for parents to report any errors. If no corrections are requested within this period, the results slips will be printed, and any unaddressed errors will remain permanent.

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