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Lightning Strike Kills Mother And Child In Amuru

By Tolit Ivan

A lightning strike on Wednesday night has killed a20 year old mother and her five months old child in Olinga village, Pogo sub-county, Amuru district.

The deceased have been identified as Irene Apiyo and her child Gerald Ogenrwot.

The two met their death at around 8pm during a heavy downpour.

Charles Openy, the area local council1 chairperson, confirmed the incident, adding that the grass thatched hut where the two were in also got burnt.

For the last five years, the region has been experiencing numerous cases of lightning strikes that have killed over 20 people and left dozens with life changing injuries as a result of climate change and rampant destruction of the forest cover.

According to the Uganda National Meteorological Authority, this year’s rain will be characterized by heavy storms, flooding and lightning strikes.

The authority has warned members of the public to avoid walking and playing in the rain, standing under trees and next to metallic poles and to wear rubber shoes/sandals when it’s raining to protect them from lightning strikes

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