A new report by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), indicates that Ugandan women are living longer than their male counterparts.
According to UBOS, the life expectancy of women is at 64.4 years while that of men stands at 62.2 years.
The agency said life expectancy continued to improve in 22 years.
For instance, in 2002, life expectancy was at 52 years.
However, it improved by 10 years in the last two decades.
The low life expectancy among men is being attributed to risky lifestyles. Among them are having multiple sexual partners, and drug and alcohol abuse.
Meanwhile, a report by UBOS also indicates that educated Ugandan women are having fewer children.
The survey conducted in 2023 indicates that the higher the level of education a woman has attained, the fewer the number of children she will have.
According to the report, women who attained secondary education have an average of 3.6 children if compared to those with no level of education.
The survey puts the number of children among illiterate women in the country at 5.8 children.
The report further indicates that the fertility rate among illiterate women tends to be high.