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CDF Warns Military Commanders Against Office Comfort

Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba

By Agency

The Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba, has warned military commanders against office comfortability because being appointed in a given position should be considered as a short-term opportunity.

Speaking at the handover ceremony of former Deputy CDF Lt Gen Peter Elwelu to Lt Gen Sam Okiding at Mbuya Army headquarters on Thursday, Gen. Muhoozi said any military officer currently occupying an office should know it is just a tour of duty and should be prepared to leave at any time.

According to Gen Muhoozi being in an office is temporary and intended to heighten operational efficiency.

At the same function, Maj Gen Leopold Kyanda handed over the office of Chief of Joint Staff (CJS) to Maj Gen Jack Bakasumba.

President Yoweri Museveni appointed Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba the new CDF almost a month ago replacing Gen Wilson Mbadi who was appointed Minister of State for Trade.

Lt Gen Okiding has been commanding the African Union Transmission Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and he returned last week to take over deputy CDF roles.

Museveni promoted Maj Gen Sam Kavuma to Lieutenant General and appointed him the new ATMIS commander.

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