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Eid-Al-Duha Date Announced

Sheikh Shaban Mubaje is Grand Mufti of Uganda

By Agency

The Uganda Muslim Supreme Council has announced the sighting of the crescent moon, confirming that Eid Al Adha will be celebrated on June 16.

During Eid al-Adha, also known as the festival of sacrifice, Muslims pray together, engage in charity work, and sacrifice an animal.

The Islamic festival recognizes the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah’s command to sacrifice his son Isaac.

Sheikh Sayid Lubanga the Director of Sharia at the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council announced that Friday will be the first day of the Dhul-Hijjah according to the Islamic calendar.

Dhul Hijjah marks the final month of the year on the Islamic calendar. During this month Muslims are thankful to have experienced another year and it is also a time most blessed by Allah.

During this month Muslims around the world increase in worship towards Allah.

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