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Police Driver Sentenced To Salary Reduction For Illegal Charcoal Trade

Impounded Bags of Charcoal

Aswa East Police Disciplinary Standby Court has sentenced Charles Olweny, 41, a police driver attached to Aswa West Regional Police headquarters to severe reprimand and one third of gross salary deduction for illegal transportation of forest products, which was against Presidential Executive Order banning commercial business in forest products in northern Uganda.

Olweny was intercepted with 89 bags of charcoal in a police truck with registration plate number UP9570 on May 28, 2024, at Ogul checkpoint in Namokora Sub County, Kitgum district destined for Gulu City. He pleaded guilty to the charge of Discreditable/Irregular conduct contrary to section 44 CODE 12 of the Police Act chapter 303.

Assistant Commissioner of Police, Anatoli Katungwenzi, the Aswa East Regional Police Commander, emphasized that the Uganda Police Force remains committed to executing its mandate and condemns such incidents as highly regrettable and isolated individual acts.

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