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ICC Sets Date for Confirmation of Charges Hearing Against Joseph Kony

Joseph Kony

The Pre-Trial Chamber II of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Monday issued a decision on the Prosecutor’s request to hold a confirmation of charges hearing in the case against Joseph Kony, the elusive LRA rebel leader.

The confirmation of charges hearing for Kony will be held on October 15, 2024, in his absence.

According to a statement issued by the court, even if the suspect (Kony) is absent, the hearing will go ahead as scheduled.

The Rome Statute allows for the confirmation of charges proceedings at the Pre-Trial stage in the absence of the suspect.

However, if the charges are confirmed, the case can only proceed to trial if the accused is present before the Trial Chamber.

The existence of confirmation proceedings in absentia would serve to expedite the case against a suspect that cannot be found.

Kony, the Commander-In-Chief of the notorious rebel group can face up to 36 charges related to war crimes and crimes against humanity for his role in the over two decades’ long conflict in northern Uganda.

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