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Three Arrested In Acholi Sub Region For Refusing To Be Enumerated

Nwoya central police station (Photo by Omony Denis)

By Omony Denis And Achieng Judith

Three more people have been arrested in Acholi sub region on allegations of refusing to be enumerated in the ongoing National Population and Housing Census.

They include Jonani Teriyito, a 44year old resident of Pudyek village in Anaka Town Council, Nwoya district. Teriyito, a lumberman, was picked on Monday after he allegedly rejected to be enumeration, according to the district police commander Richard Anyama.

The other two suspects arrested include Apio Alice (32), a resident of Aloyi central village in Patongo sub-county and Opio Yasinto (40), a resident of Apano village Patongo sub-county, all in Agago district.

According to local authorities, Apio allegedly refused to enumerated accusing the husband of domestic violence while Opio refused to be counted claiming he has no time for the exercise but herding his cattle.

The officer in charge of criminal investigation department Patongo central police station Waigo James confirmed the arrest of the two.

This brings to nine suspects arrested in both Lango and Acholi sub regions for rejecting the exercise, something that could land each of them a six month-jail term, face a 600,000 shillings fine, or both.

On May, 10, 2024, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics embarked on the National Population and Housing Census across the country.

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